About me

I made my first steps in academic world at University of Nantes (France), where I have been graduated by a master’s degree of Bioinformatics in 2016. I pursued with a Ph.D. supervised by Dr. Laurent David and Pr. Jérémie Bourdon within the Center for Research in Transplantation and Immunology in Nantes. This work was focused on human preimplantation development, first with the characterization of naive (preimplantation like) pluripotency. The second part of my PhD was the study of the cell fate events during preimplantation development using single-cell RNA-Seq. At the beginning of my research, RNA-Seq and especially single-cell transcriptomic were emerging technologies: the analysis of data produced by these technics was and remain a computational and statistical challenges that led me to specialize in these tasks. I am also particularly interested in understanding the mechanisms underlying cell fate. I joined the Dr. Henela Kilpinen group in January 2021 at HiLIFE (Helsinki Institute of Life Science) in Finland as a postdoctoral fellow where I am investing how neurodevelopmental disorders affect cell trajectories during neurogenesis.